Player Name: Untimely_Death
Location and Time zone: USA/ GMT -6
Age: 17
Preferred Game Type: TDM, Hardcore Anything, Demolition, Domination, Headquarters
Previous gaming experience: COD 4, 5, 6(Not for PC) Unreal tournament 3, Crysis, and now Black Ops
What times are you available to play? 3ish to 10 in the afternoon depending on schedule.
Do you communicate with teammates? Yes
How do you handle being dominated when you're playing? (a team member on the opposing team doing extremely well)
Wont complain over being dominated, but I would try to adapt and try a new strategy to overcome it.
How do you deal with accidental team killings? Immediately after I respond with a apology and avoid team killing as much as possible even in crossfire and wouldn't ever be done on purpose.